New York, truly a great city. My Mom loved it and had some great times here. I remember stories about her trips to the theater and Sardi’s after the show that she would tell us when we were kids. Sadly like everything else, the city has changed. In some ways it’s better but in others, it’s much worse. First the good, the restaurant options are like no other in the World and the cultural mix of people is unmatched. Along with this comes increased crime and everything that happens everywhere these days is magnified here. It’s all part of the evolution of society and the World we live in.
I arrived around 1:30 and found my driver and headed in to the city. After checking in and taking a quick shower I headed a few blocks away to meet my good buddy Eric. We hung out for a few hours until I grabbed a cab to head up to 55th and 6th to meet Marco, Brian and Jeremy for dinner. Marco Fantinel is the owner of our new iconic brand, Fantinel. It’s World famous and a real coup for us as a Company. Brian brought him on board and Jeremy is our new hire who is killing it. I picked Milos for dinner and it didn’t disappoint. When you order your fish you actually get up from your table and walk over to a hill of ice with fish fish laying out for you to chose from. We picked out some fresh black sea bass and red snapper along with some giant stone crab claws which we all shared. Dinner was great and the meeting better. We all want the same thing and are all now headed towards the same goal. Sometimes you can’t replace a face to face get together to get on the same page.
It’s 5:30 am now (3:30 in Colorado) and my driver picks me up at 6:30 as I have an 8:30 flight. I should be in Denver by 11 this morning and then head up the hill. Snow is arriving her at noon so I’m getting out just in time. Hope everyone is well, take care and have a great day, GB.