By the time most of you read this (except maybe Tommy), I’ll almost be in New York or will have landed. It’s a quick trip as I’ll see a guy around 3 or 4 and then have dinner at Milos (best seafood restaurant in the World!) at 7 before heading to my hotel in Mid-town. By 6:30 am Denver time on Wednesday I’ll be on my way home. So in and out, just the way I like to do New York.
Yesterday the boys had a good first day back. I did a bunch of laundry and aired out the house in 20 degree temperatures. It still has a little paint smell to it but I don’t really notice it. Lori’s head is killing her, the altitude doesn’t help. That’s it for the day, time to get on the road as I board at 7:19 am. Thank God for First Class! God Bless.