Today I’m running down to Big D to get a new phone. As it says, I dropped mine at the front door yesterday and sure enough, it cracked the screen. Ty was done at 11 last night and Lori and I went over to James and Francesca’s to hang out for an hour waiting for him to finish. They bought some huge condo/home, right on the mall next to where the boys work.
Jag cleaned the house yesterday! That’s right, he cleaned! Before you think he’s now cleaning around here on a regular basis, Nicole is coming over today after they go to lunch. So that’s why, ha.
Ty works at 5 and will have about 80 hours in this pay period and made another $104 in tips last night, good for him. It’s 6:52 now as we slept in so time to go. Have a great day, GB.
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