Soccer or Football

Today is our youngest’s first soccer game of the season, and of course we have a conflict.  Our friend in Boulder has season tickets to the C.U. game. He invited us to come along with his wife and him for a tailgate and great college football fun.  Our boys would spend the afternoon with his kids at his house….the one with the fabulous yard complete with chickens, crawdads, and a trampoline. The little guy’s game is at 3:00p.m. and the C.U. game has a 1:30p.m. kick off.

What to do….what to do?  I personally feel that our priority as parents is to teach the boys that a prior commitment comes first. Although I think that the game and playing with their new found friends would be much more fun….I guess I’ll be the bad guy today.

Both boys did well on their assessment test….this information comes directly from the teachers. When I spoke with the youngest’s teacher, she said he only needs to work on speed.  That is of course his father and my fault since we reiterated again and again to go slow with his reading and not guess on the word.  His father also told him to announce periods and commas which he did diligently. His teacher got a laugh out of it after I told her it was our fault because of our conversations with our little guy. She was very impressed with how well he listened to our coaching…as were we.  I let her know that on the next test….the mister and I will find out the testing criteria before we offer our advice.  She got a laugh out of that as well.

I walked the boys home from school yesterday….me on foot and the boys on scooters.  It was a bit warm and of course an uphill climb most of the way home. At the halfway point the youngest said in no uncertain terms….”Mommm, why didn’t you remind me that my tennis shoes are black and black attracts the sun….my feet are burning!” I asked if he would like to take his shoes off (thinking he would ride home in socks) he immediately sat down…took off his shoes and socks…and proceeded to hand me his shoes, socks, scooter and helmet to carry home. Ugg! The oldest was “Scootering”away…mentioning every so often how much faster and more fun it is to ride downhill to school instead of uphill home.  I agreed.

After lunch the kiddos went to a friends down the street for two hours of fun that included “Ditch dogging” a game they play in the ditch water with a boogie board. Yuck!! They both know that WE (Dad and I) do not want them playing this game, but since it was suggested by their friends father they thought it would be okay.  NOT okay!!  Needless to say the minute they got out of the truck we had them stripping off their soiled clothes and heading in to hit the showers.

They both amused themselves with another friend down the street while I worked on the Pirate Ship for the school dance next friday.  It is coming together well, and with the suggestion from Grandma’s friend James (he helped unbelievably well with Grandpa) to look at Hobby Lobby for a ships wheel… I found one.  All I need now is some black muslin or cheese cloth to put the haunting finishes on the ship. Yea…I think the Mister will be happy when the dance is over since I get all consumed when their is a theme involved.

We have to discuss the day ahead….soccer vs. fun.

Have  great day…God Bless


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