Today’s the day, Jag leaves for China, we hope. Two kids out of ten are sick. One we think is not going and another that has been in bed for two days and is on Tamiflu. Jag had a sore throat and came down during the night for some Alka Seltzer. We’re waiting to see how he’s doing this morning. Of course if a kid could get sick, it’d figure it’d be right before they go on a trip! You don’t want your kid to miss the trip of a lifetime but with the flu, you can’t mess around. Lori told me last night one of the surgeons at work is also out with the flu. So far I feel ok from my trip but I wiped down literally everything I came in contact with while gone. One girl who was riding down with the girl who is sick, is now riding with us. I’m getting some masks from the hospital for the kids to wear on the plane, ugh.
I made it home by noon after landing in Denver a little after 8 am. I stopped at the dry cleaner and grocery store on the way up the hill. Today at 2 I’ll grab three kids and drive them to the airport in Denver which should put me home around 6:30 or 7 depending on traffic. This means Lori again will have to get Ty from school.
Time to run, lots to do, have a great day and GB.