Yesterday was a good day. Lots of work and a drive to Portland, then a meeting and a great dinner at a great French restaurant. I left Seattle around noon as I was told it’d take me 4 hours to drive to Portland with traffic. Turns out I made it in 2 1/2 hours. It was a nice drive as years ago when I lived in Seattle I drove it often and driving down, I remembered a lot. Once in Portland I met up with Kristin who has worked for us since the beginning.
We dropped my rental car and headed downtown for a meeting with our Oregon distributor. I had known this guy for years through many many phone calls but had never met him in person. It was finally good for both of us to meet face to face. After a successful two hour meeting, we went to pick up Kristin’s boyfriend Tommy. They’re having a baby in about a month and own a restaurant. We headed downtown to a French restaurant that is owned by the chef who is partners with Tommy in his restaurant. 5 minutes after arriving Antonio met us as he just made it to town earlier in the day.
The food was great. Before our main course, the chef sent over this fresh cod collar which is basically the neck of the fish, (see below). It was great and filling. By the time our main course arrived, we were stuffed. I made it to my hotel by 9:30 and was asleep by 10 which is good, as I woke up at 2:30. I have a 5:15 flight so time to get moving. I should be back in Denver by 8:30 this morning and then head up the hill. Have a great day and GB.