At 5:30 am, I was up and getting ready to take Jag to basketball practice. To his credit, he was already up when I went down to wake him. Good news is he doesn’t have practice after school so he’ll get home early. Ty is off today as it’s a teacher planning day. I have a big week getting ready for next week when I’m out of town on Monday and Tuesday, flying back into Denver at 8:44 am Wednesday. Then I drive Jag down to the airport for his China trip on Thursday. Still can’t believe he’s going to China!
Lori’s head is still bothering her. I think she’s going to try to get some trigger point injections to try to get some relief. Lot’s of talk about the Grammy’s on the news. Personally we didn’t watch as we have no interest in a bunch of over paid, so called celebrities who are so out of touch with real life and the World, that they should be on another planet. Plus we don’t like most of the people or their music that they feature these days.
It’s 7 am now and not much else to write about. Mom’s birthday is in two days, we sure do miss her as I know Tom and Robin do too. I haven’t talked with Shelly lately, hope she’s doing well. Tasha had an article published that she’s been working on for sometime, great job Tash!
It’ll be February soon, then before we know it, Springtime. Enjoy the week and have a great day, GB.