Finally home

At 2am we pulled into home for the second time. First we pulled in at 1:30am but our house key didn’t work as we had to have a locksmith come while we were gone to get an Ipad from Jagger’s job, long story.

Our flight took off 30 minutes late and the plane was about half empty. I was in an exit row and Jag moved back to an empty one in front of me. 6 hours and 23 minutes later, we landed in Denver at 11pm. Then after getting our car, we headed up the hill. Everyone stayed up as it was 7pm Hawaii time when we landed. Nevertheless, it was a long drive, made 30 minutes longer by having to go to Zach’s house to get a key from under their doormat.

This morning, believe it or not, I’m off to Denver. We need to get Mojo today and both boys have dentist appointments. The house was cleaner than we thought as we tried to clean up a bit before we left a week ago last Thursday.

I’ll drop Lori at work in about 30 minutes and both boys will probably sleep until I get back up the hill. More to come tomorrow but I need to run no. Home safe, a little tired, everyone is tan, and had fun. Take care, GB

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