Off to Hana

Lori was up a bit before 5am and I about 30 minutes later so we both could get some work done with it being Monday. Yes we are in Hawaii, supposedly on vacation, but our jobs don’t stop and people needing us don’t care. This means each morning we’ll be getting up early and working on our computers and phones.

It’s now 8:45 am and we hope to be in the car in 15 minutes on our way to Hana. Yesterday we drove Up Country (as they say) to Makawao and then further up to Kula. Lori met a nice lady named Lori, who owns a shop in Makawao who drew us a map on where to go. In Makawao, wild chickens, including babies, roam the streets and go in and out of restaurants and shops at their pleasure. Up the road was Kula, a great little local town where Oprah bought 30 acres and is often seen walking her dogs. There’s lots of little farms with great veggies and fruit and we stopped at one for flowers, strawberries, mountain apples (which look like little pears), banana’s (really small ones), avocado’s and more. After we made it back around 1 in the afternoon, it was back to the beach for some snorkeling and sun. Finally after 2 hours in the sun (you have to pace yourself) we showered for like the 3rd or 4th time, and headed into Lahaina where both boys got henna tattoos. That was about it for the day.

Time to go, everyone is about ready and we’re taking our towels and wearing swim suits. While we all brought long pants, none have seen the light of day since we arrived. More to come, the weather is great and Lori is loving the humidity. Talk to everyone tomorrow, GB.

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