Robi commented on yesterday’s post and is was pretty profound so I thought I’d share it. Here it is,
There is a commercial on t.v. – It say’s, in 20 years you won’t regret the things you did, you will regret the things you didn’t do!
Now this makes sense! Sure, we all have a few regrets of stupid things we did when we were kids but I’m sure we all have things we always wanted to do, or even dreamed of doing in our life, that we just didn’t get around to. Well, I’m here to tell you, it’s never too late. There are no rules that says you can’t learn a new language at 80 years old, or take up an instrument, or travel some place you always wanted to go. Of course there are limitations such as health and financial, but outside of that, you can and should do whatever you want! What have you got to lose, except a fun new challenge or experience, no matter what your dream. Think about it, what have you always wanted to do and whay haven’t you done it? Stop making excuses and get off your butt and just do it! Thanks for commenting Robi.
Yesterday morning I-70 (the highway) was closed due to a semi rolling over, so I cancelled my Denver trip. Lori did go down around noon for her doctor appointment and was home by 5:30. Jag’s two baseball games today have been cancelled due to the impending snowstorm. Tomorrow and Saturday it’s supposed to even hit Denver. I do need to go down today but will probably wait until next week. Ty does have a sleepover birthday party at Ben’s tomorrow night so I’m supposed to take him down after school and pick him up Saturday.
It’s now 6am and Lori wanted to go to the gym but she just reached over and turned off the alarm! It’s harder and harder to get up in the morning as we just don’t get enough sleep, ever. Guess I’ll go and get us both some coffee and see if I can get her moving. Tonight is the NFL Draft, whoo hoo. God Bless and Go Bronco’s!