Last night it came again, just like clockwork, thunder , lightening and lots of water. The misses and I were downtown for a friends birthday dinner and driving home was an adventure in itself. The street drains were full and mini lakes were present on every corner. Lucky we have and suv and a truck as we plowed right through them. They say (Nobel Prize winners) we’re going through a polar shift meaning the northern hemisphere is flip flopping with the southern hemisphere. Now I don’t know about this but somethings going on with the weather. I hope this is all part of a 500 or 1000 year cycle but no one has lived long enough to recognize it.
Football was canceled because of the storms so the boys hung out at home with the babysitter while we headed downtown for dinner. This morning they’ll also get a break from swimming because of too much rain. The misses has a store wide meeting at 9:45pm tonight and the bulk of the day will be spent cleaning up inside and out.
I’m too disgusted with both sides to go into politics, I’ve reached my limit but suggest everyone get ready for something, I don’t know what, but somethings gotta give. Everyone needs to think for themselves, don’t let these talking heads on either side think for you. They’re just people who are espousing their opinions on tv, you’re just as smart as they are. I mean does anyone think the government is actually telling anyone the truth about anything? My how we’ve fallen from a time when my parents were young when elected people were more interested in serving their country instead of getting re-elected. Ok I guess I’m getting into politics, sorry but nobody is awake to stop me! Here’s a quick quote and then I’ll move on,
“How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government’s Treasury Department!” – Ludwig von Mise
How about the guy that caught the star New York Yankee Derek Jeters 3000 hit baseball, held it in his hands for less than 15 minutes, then gave it back, and now the government says he has to pay taxes on its value! Wow, talk about doing the right thing and then having the government swoop in to squeeze you for some cash. This is as bad as going after little kids lemonade stands for not paying taxes. Whoops, I’m back into politics, I just can’t help myself. At least Miller Beer Company is stepping up and paying the $100,000 tax bill the government says he owes from catching a baseball and getting some free tickets from the Yankees for his kindness, he would have been better off to just let it hit him on the head and bounce away. Once again, my how times have changed. What about going after the Federal employees that owe over a combined $1 Billion in delinquent taxes???
Well I don’t want to lose the few readers I have and since I can’t control myself, I guess I’d better go. Maybe I can coax the misses into writing for a few days. Stay tuned for tomorrow to find out! Hope everyone is ok and doing well. Remember think for yourself and whatever you do, don’t bank on the government to be there to take care of you as it’s obvious they can’t even take care of themselves, ok ok I’ll stop, in closing, ponder this…
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” – G. K. Chesterton
Have a great day and God Bless,