Last night was the loudest, brightest, longest, scariest thunder storm I’ve ever experienced in my life. It started around 8pm and seem to go on forever. I called my Mom around 9 or so who told me I shouldn’t be using the phone during an electrical storm, then she also confided she was scared. We obviously brought Mojo inside for the night but he wanted out at 3am so by then the storms had passed. It’s still misting outside right now, what a night, it’s like living in the mid-west. Sure would have started a stampede if you had a few hundred head of cattle out in that storm. Good news is we have hardly had to run the sprinklers this year. We’re waiting to call the swim team hot line to see if it’s on this morning as there might have been too much rain. Right now it’s a little after 6 and both boys are still sleeping. The misses also was talking in her sleep last night and woke me at 3 with some jibberish, fun night!
The boys and I had a fun day yesterday. I started off by boxing 20 boxes of wine around 6am and was at Fed Ex by 10am dropping them off. The boys then wanted to go to Kokoro (a favorite counter style Japanese restaurant) for lunch. After that we ran some errands and then I dropped them at our savior Uncle T’s house for about 90 minutes, while I had to run an errand. He’s sure been helpful to us. The misses got a much deserved .50 cents and hour raise yesterday, whoo hoo! Now we don’t want to turn anything down but I mean come on, .50 cents? Is that all they can do? We’re still determined to get the misses out of there, but we can’t until we find some other way to replace the income. The grocery discount card is the biggest thing we’re afraid to lose. I’m going to track it to the penny to see exactly how much we’re saving.
It smells musty in the basement and I’m sure there’s water behind the wall but it’ll dry out as soon as the monsoons stop. I did go downstairs last night to get some food and other essentials off the concrete floor just in case water came inside last night as it has before. Mom’s off the rest of the week and she’s planning on getting the house back in shape today. I did manage to get 3 loads of laundry done yesterday between my errands and work. It’s also been 9 days since the misses and I have had an adult beverage. We decided to make this stand for a number of reasons. We’ve lost weight, we’re sleeping better and we just overall feel better, we’re all in! Our first big test was dinner with Paolo (our winemaker) the other night and we have a dinner tonight and the big bowling party/dinner Saturday but we’re determined to stick to it.
My first call is at 10am this morning and I’m in the process of making some sweeping fundamental changes to the way we do things. It seems to be working well. You need to constantly adapt in this economy to stay ahead of the game, it’s almost a daily thing to keep the car on the road. We’re starting to see a bunch of scare tactic tv ads already popping up on the boob tube. They just showed 3 old people asking “Mr. Congressman, what gives you the right to cut medicare, we’re calling all our friends and telling them to call you and ask you why”. I got news for you, everything needs to be cut! Medicare, Social Security and all the entitlements that have put us in this mess. Everyone talks about taxing the rich, I say go ahead and close all the loop holes but even if you took all the income from the rich, 100% of it, you still wouldn’t do anything but put a bandaid on the problem. Think about it, if you’re in debt you can try to make or get a little more money but the real key is to stop spending more than you have, right? Why can’t these people in Washington get it, what a joke. Alright I’ll stop now, it’s just that these people in Washington on both sides are so out of touch, they’re like children playing with our future. I’m dreading the next 15 months as we’re going to be bombarded with political ads like you’ve never seen before.
Both boys are off to swim team with the littlest one wanting to watch his brother before his practice. Time to jump in the shower and get the day started. Hope everyone is doing well, so until tomorrow, God Bless,