Yesterday we had soccer and then Jag was off with friends for the day. Not to be out done, Ty also took off with his science teacher and his son who is in Ty’s class. They then hooked up with another friend as well. Both boys were here and there on their own. When we picked up Ty and I heard that they went to the park and the store on their own, I said “you can’t do that in Denver”, which is 100% true!
At 7pm we all went over to dinner at some friends house. There were 4 couples and kids and only one couple were people we hadn’t met yet. They have two girls in school with the boys, Grace in 6th and Lexi in 8th. Lexi is on the ski team and just came from dry land training where the boys played the girls in field hockey and she scored 3 goals! Way to go for her. They moved up here about a year ago from Denver too and her dad is a good friend of Brett Farve! They were nice people and he was my age so we had more in common than some of the younger parents.
It’s now 5:59 and I’ve made coffee and fed Mojo. We’ll all be heading down at 7am sharp so Jag can get to baseball and then Lori is going to go to our friends spa for a facial and pedicure. Then she’ll go visit my Mom until we’re done. I’m not sure how many weekends we’ll get down to play ball but we’re making this one as Jag’s an alternate and they need him.
So lot;s to do and time to run, have a great day, God Bless