Back in Denver

We left Vail around 1:30 and headed straight for Frisco and the DMV for Lori to take her drivers license test. She had to take the written test and the eye test. Somehow she managed to pass both and now has a Learners Permit meaning she has to have a 21 year old driver in the car with her! This is the same permit as you get when you’re 16. Next up will be the driving portion hopefully Monday or Tuesday. Don’t let your license expire! It’s a real pain in the you know what.

Today we have a showing in the afternoon and need to get some school clothes and supplies. Ty has Vinny’s birthday party and Jagger has practice at church for his presentation tomorrow. Dr R. at Lori’s old job is crazier than ever. Everyone is up in arms and the doctor is just angry and not handling the change well. All the more reason that it was a good move for Lori to leave.

We’re here until tomorrow morning when we’ll head up the hill. We have another showing at 10am where the people are coming back with a contractor to see about re-doing the kitchen. Jag has church at 10 so we’ll leave right after that. Last night we went to Nordstroms and then Elways for dinner before coming home to watch the Broncos kill the Seahawks. I don’t know the final score but we really outplayed them in the first half when both teams better players were in.

Time to run, it’s 6:34. I had to cancel the gym down here, stupid move or I’d be there this morning. Hope all’s well, God Bless.

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