Back in the city

We made it down by about 9:05 am and started to get all our chores and errands done. About noon we made it back to the house and I did some work while the boys played with Ben. Turns out Ben spent the night and he and Ty are on the couch downstairs right now. I just turned the tv off as it was on all night.

We thought Jag’s party was at 3 pm yesterday but it is actually at 3 pm today! Not sure how we messed that one up. In any case Ty and I will head up the hill after we drop him off this afternoon and then Uncle Tommy will pick him up tomorrow morning. He’ll then either have lunch and hang out with Tommy or come to the house and hang out and read his book until Lori, Ty and I make it down from Vail around 5 pm.

This morning I’m running to the distributor and then have an 8:30 meeting at Applejack. Then I’ll do some computer work, wash and gas up the truck and maybe run to Nordstroms to have Jagger’s pants let out. That’s about it, we took my Mom some calamari yesterday for dinner after I took the three boys to Bonefish Grill. She was going to join us but decided to stay home. Turns out she has a torn bicep which is really sore but you just have to let heal on its own. Hope it heals quick! Time to run, have a great day and God Bless.

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