No cavities!

Well both boys went to the dentist yesterday and who would have believed it neither had any cavities! They don’t brush very well so this was somewhat of a surprise, but we’ll gladly take it.

This morning Mojo goes to the groomers, Lori to the dentist and Jag has a doctor appointment for his 13 year old shots and physical. Then Ty and I will head up to Vail for a quick trip and Jag has a church meeting at 11:45 to rehearse their presentation for a week from Sunday telling everyone about camp. I guess he told Mom about this and maybe me although I never heard of it until last night. In any case, he can stay home and go and Ty and I will be back by about 2. Lori is killing herself at work trying to get everything done and then some before the week is over. Her replacement said to her yesterday that Dr R has no idea all that she does. Lori just sighed and said, I know.

It’s 5:22 right now and time to get some coffee and head to the gym as I didn’t get there yesterday. We had another showing and I had to clean more than I thought. I need to start changing addresses and canceling things like the gym and then find a new one up in the hills.

The coffee machine just beeped so time to run. Hope you all are well, take care and God Bless.

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