A nice service

It’s 4:35am and we’re at our gate waiting to board for our 5:40am flight. We only had a few hours sleep last night as after the service a bunch of people came back to the house.

The service was everything anyone could have hoped for. Lots of relatives and many many people who had worked with Don over the years showed up. We arrived at the place around 2:15 and by 4pm it was almost full. There were speakers, family and friends, for a good hour and a half. Then everyone mingled about and visited. Finally we all headed back to the house about 8pm. Dixie did a really nice job organizing everything and it was a great tribute to a great man.

Today we’ll drop Lori at work after we land. Everyone here is dragging with little to no sleep and we have a huge week ahead of us. I think I’ll run now to go get Ty some food. Hope all’s well, take care and God Bless.

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