When it rains, it floods

Yesterday after writing the blog I went downstairs to find water rushing in the window all over our new carpet and flooding the basement. I quickly slammed the window shut and ran outside in the rain. The window well had filled up with water as it was coming down a makeshift river on the side of the house. I grabbed a shovel and dug a ditch away from the house towards the neighbors and then began scooping water out of the window well. 30 minutes later I pretty much contained the problem but then had to deal with the wet carpet. Just another day.

Next up Lori and I worked on the upstairs guest room and ran some errands. Around 2pm the guys from the furnace company showed up as our air conditioner and fan to the furnace stopped working. 2 hours and $687 later we also had that fixed. So I got that going for me too!

Lori then went to get her nails done (girls like to do that, I don’t know why?) and I stayed with the boys. Today we have some shopping to do to get a few things for our trip but it’ll be short as I didn’t expect to pay almost $700 yesterday to get the furnace fixed. We did take a walk and Lori has a slight headache which she thinks came from that.

Time to get moving so have a good day. We might take the boys to a movie today, we’ll see.

God Bless

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