Ovens broke!

Well our oven is broke and I don’t mean out of cash. I’m not even sure if saying the “oven is broke” is proper grammar, probably not, just doesn’t sound right. (Lori’s still sleeping so I can’t ask her) Anyhow there goes another wad of cash. It’ll be a few weeks or more until we can afford to fix it.

The monsoon rains pretty much missed our neighborhood but other areas of the city are flooding big time. It’s supposed to wind down around noon they say. Not sure if we’ll have our baseball game tonight or not.

My people from our Company start arriving today with Jody and his family landing from Florida around noon. Each year at our Company meeting we have a tradition of going around the room after our big dinner, and we each toast a person within the Company who  has affected them or means a lot to them. Anyhow this year, Jody, who is our up and coming national chain rock star, chose me. We talk every day (as I’m his boss) but usually the employees pick another employee that’s one of their co-workers. He took me aside later and was all emotional and told me how much he learns from me daily, even though I might not know it, and how much I remind him of his dad, who passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. It was quite a compliment as he’s probably the most important guy we have outside of us three owners and he and I are close, kind of like family. He told me I’m the only one in the Company that he can talk to without a filter meaning he can say whatever he wants without having to hold anything back. I was surprised but happy to hear how much I’ve helped him grow plus glad to know he feels this way as we almost lost him to another company a year ago when Bob left. You see Bob, who left,  tried to steal him by offering him more money, but he told me he stayed because of me. Who knew? Anyhow his wife and 2 kids, ages 10 and 12, are here and going to Aspen with us and then here for another week as he needed to get out of his house for 3 weeks as they found mold. I’m sure our kids will have a good time as they’re all excited to have other kids to play with.

Lori’s head seems to be all better, so she says. We’ll knock on wood that it stays this way. I’m watching the news and there’s a lot of water out there. Parts of the city really got hammered.

I read a story yesterday about a family who had their kids taken away as they let their 11 year old play basketball in their own backyard for 90 minutes alone when they weren’t home. The neighbor called the cops and the parents were arrested, strip searched and both kids were taken away and put in foster care for 2 months until finally the 11 year old talked with the judge privately and he returned them to their parents. Now the parents have to go to parenting classes and the kids have to go to a certain type of state camp each day all summer long to be supposedly watched. This is just one more example of an overreaching meddling govt. We were shocked to read that this can happen today but really nothing much surprises us anymore. I could go on and on citing examples of unbelievable stories but I’ll let it go. It’s just so sad  what our society is becoming these days.

Guess I’ll stop and head to the gym. Hope everyone is well, take care and God Bless.

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