Hot Outside

Yesterday was a day of planting for the misses. She started off the afternoon by noticing that the soil she bought was not organic, even though its name was Organic Choice, and that it also said “not for containers” after she had panted herbs and strawberries in, you guessed it, containers! So with my help we loaded half of the bags back into the truck and headed back to Lowes to swap out our bad soil. (she kept some to mix in with our dirt in our garden beds) The rest of the day was spent planting new flowers and moving around ones already in the ground. I think she actually dug up and replanted more flowers than planting new ones. I cleaned out the garage after finishing my work day and then we loaded the boys up and they were off to soccer practice. This took a bit of coaxing as the eldest had leftover french toast (coated in brown sugar) and both boys then had a yogurt. This was over 50 grams of sugar that went right to his brain and the mind games were on. We knew we had to get him to practice so he could “run” the sugar out of his system. At dinner we all noticed (Mom knew before) that Mom’s chest, shoulders and a semi circle at the top of her back where her tank top came down, were all bright red! It seems 4 hours in the sun planting her garden without sunscreen, had caught her by surprise. She really got a bad case of sunburn. Looks like for the next 3 days she have to be wearing a shirt that has a high neck line, something she hates.

Dinner was quick and then after a bit of back and forth it was determined that Mom had promised our youngest a trip to Target, today, for a $3 toy he earned for getting 10 out of 10 on his spelling test. He was quick to point out that a promise is a promise so there was no way out of this. After a few minutes of discussion it was determined that I (who didn’t promise) would take him to Target, and Mom and the oldest would go give Bunkie his evening shot of insulin. By the time we got home (of course it takes 20 minutes for him to decide which toy he wanted) it was 8 o’clock. We rushed to get them into bed and they went to sleep fairly quick, by about 9. I was looking forward to a good nights sleep.

The night started out ok until I was awaken at 12:30 by the misses talking in her sleep, actually it was more like screaming in her sleep! You see she had a bad dream that some people had broken into our house, drugged us and were still here! After a quick tactical assessment of the house (you know how I am), it was determined that all was safe and secure. Now of course after waking her and calming her down, I was now awake where I stayed for at least the next 2 1/2 hours until 3am. She of course feel right back to sleep. You know how sometimes you’re woken up and can’t get back to sleep because you’ve missed your window? Well, that was it. Oh yeah, the youngest, right about 2 when I was almost just falling back asleep, came in as he too had a bad dream. So after being kicked, inadvertently, for the next 30 to 45 minutes, I think I fell back asleep by 3am. Today I need to get a deadbolt on the door that leads to our garage as this is about the only weak point of entry to our home. Not that we really need it (have 1 lock) but I’ve been meaning to install one for a while, so might as well get it done while I’m thinking of it.

It’s supposed to be 80 degrees today and the misses has a lot of work still to do in the garden. Today she needs to dig up a bunch of mint, prepare the beds and get the squash and tomato’s in. I’ll need to make sure she is all lathered up in sunscreen. I did remember to make her wear a hat yesterday as she had a touch of skin cancer on her ear last year and was explicitly told by our dermatologist friend to cover her ears when in the sun!

I’ve got a few reports to digest for work and a few calls to make, but it should finally be a pretty easy day. This is good as I could use a break. We meet with the principal of the school at 10 am today to lobby for our oldest boys class of choice next year. You see due to budget cuts there are a couple of classes we don’t want him in. Next year in the fourth grade, 1 class will have 1 teacher (this is the one we want!) the 2nd class has 2 teachers each sharing responsibilities (not as good as there’s no one person in charge) and the 3rd class is known as a “flex class” where they will be mixing 4th and 5th graders, (we want to avoid this one at all costs!). I personally don’t think lobbying does much good as it hasn’t in the past, but hopefully the misses year long volunteering, her extra work on various school functions and her procurement of a smart board for the 3rd grade class, will carry some weight. We’ll let you know in the fall.

We have two soccer games tomorrow and Mom and I will need to split up as they’re both at the same time. Flag football is Sunday and we’ll all go to that together. Mothers Day of course is also Sunday and I’m not sure where the big brunch is but it’ll be somewhere in the morning. Other than that it’ll be working in the yard and maybe a backyard bbq tomorrow after soccer. I think the misses got cards out to all you “mothers” out there so they might not get to you by tomorrow but they are on the way!

So, no politics today, don’t you feel blessed, go enjoy you day and we’ll see you tomorrow.

God Bless,

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