Good morning…the sun is peeking over the horizon….the sky is colored in pastels and our neighborhood woodpecker is working away on the telephone pole across the street.
Thank you to all of you for the wonderful birthday wishes.  I have a new spring T-shirt for almost everyday of the week, a mandolin slicer that does sooo many fancy things, sooo quickly(I can’t wait to use it). Fast Snap Jim sent a great photo album of the “Camera War” of 2011. That was the camera war from my mom’s 80th birthday bash, between our boys and Grandpa Jim…very funny.
The boys both made giant “Happy Birthday” art work cards for me, the youngest brought in a bag of tissue with a very special gift…his prized blue surfboard rock and the oldest was a bit sad yesterday as was the youngest(they both made gifts in art at school), but weren’t able to bring them home yet. They are both so sweet.
Grandma, Uncle T and Auntie B all came over to celebrate and have a piece of gluten free birthday cake. Â The cake was yummy and the company delightful…thank you.
I have all kinds of pretty perennials to plant in my front garden and great veggies and herbs to plant in containers. We thought we would try containers this year in case of hail. My sweet husband took me flower shopping yesterday and it’s going to be in the 80’s for the next 4 days so I have my work cut out for me getting everything planted.
The boys are still sleeping. They want to walk to school again today, but time may be an issue this morning. Whoops, I hear the them stirring, so I am handing off to the Mister…
It’ still a bit cool this morning but supposed to warm up a bunch. Mom had a great time yesterday and is finally settling into a more relaxed frame of mind now that she’s had a couple days off. I’m glad for her as she deserves it.
We attended the youngest boys teacher conference after school yesterday and he’s doing very well and is all set to head into the second grade. We didn’t have enough time yesterday to get in our family nerf gun war so this will be first up this afternoon.
This year we’re planting things we actually know how to grow. Squash, (various kinds) strawberries, peppers, (hot and mild), tomato’s and maybe some green beans will be the bulk of what we do this year. Our rhubarb and raspberries are going strong already and we’re swimming in mint. We’ll have to pull some of that to plant the other herbs such as rosemary, sage, cilantro and thyme. I’m sure we’ll find some other things to try out this year, the boys want to grow watermelons and pumpkins of course. We’ll need to wait and see how much room we have. They had baby goats for sale at a farm a few miles from here, Mom almost bought a pair! That would have created some havoc around here for sure.
We’re so tired of the news and the politics surrounding the Bid Landen thing. If you think about it, outside of his name, he’s kind of been Mister Irrelevant for a long time now. The real concern is all these uprisings in middle eastern countries and their governments trying to hold onto power. Hundreds if not thousands have been killed in Syria and Libya. Let’s also not forget Iran who must love all the attention not being on them for a while. We need to get back to worrying about the economy, jobs, the falling dollar, rising gas and food prices and all the other things that affect us on a daily basis. I don’t know about you but I thought it was kind of inappropriate to see all these young kids on tv celebrating his death. Don’t get me wrong, glad they got him, but we kind of looked like what all those fanatics look like overseas when they kill Americans. Funny thing is most of the people in the pictures celebrating looked like college kids or younger, they must have been 10 years old when 9/11 happened. I’m just not into celebrating death of any kind. Oh well, to each his own I guess. I’m sure the current administration will milk this for all it’s worth trying to distract the public from the real problems we face like $4 a gallon gas and 475,000 first time filers for unemployment this week, the highest number in over 8 months, some recovery huh?
Ok, I’ll stop for now, don’t want to ruin the nice May day and Mothers Day which is right around the corner. We hope everyone has a blessed day,
God Bless,
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