Lori and I still have these summer colds! It’s a combination of a sinus headache and stuffy nose thing that just won’t go away. Hope Lori gets better by the time she goes to see Bob next weekend as she doesn’t want to go give him anything!
The pictures Lori added to yesterdays post don’t do the party justice. I’ll see of I can get one up of her and all the people today.
Speaking of today, this morning we have baseball practice, then a baseball game and then the Bronco game. Yesterday the boys played outside and Ty’s friend Scott came over. Around 5pm they were all three picked up by Ethan (from Jag’s baseball team) and his Mom and went to Casa Bonita. That is this restaurant with cliff divers, magicians, and other fun stuff. I guess Jagger was chosen from the crowd to work with the magician for about 5 minutes on stage! They all made it home just before 8pm and then Scott and Ty decided Scott would spend the night, surprise!
I’m not going to go into politics or the economy or our collective World health today but sincerely hope that you are not becoming complacent. You see we face challenges and potential problems that past generations have not had to deal with. It is a different World and you’d better realize it before it’s too late. Enough said for the day.
That’s it, hope you all are well, do not get this sinus cold as it’s no fun! God Bless.