The Big Dance

As usual, the dance was a big hit. I don’t know what the school is going to do when Ty moves onto Junior High and takes his Mom with him. So many people came up to me and said how unbelievably great everything was once again and how it was typical Lori. Not only was the entire school decorated like it was out of some Johnny Depp movie, but even the walkway when people were leaving was lined with balloons that had glow sticks put in them that were then secured to the ground with golf tee’s. I know as after the party was in full swing, another husband and I had to blow them all up and stick them in the ground as we were told we couldn’t put them out until everyone was inside so it was new to them when they left. Jagger ran the photo both until around 7:30 when he and I finally bagged out. Lori and Ty made it home by about 9pm as they had to clean everything up and take all the decorations down after it ended at 8. Needless to say, she’s still sleeping.

It was nice and cool yesterday, so much that we had to turn on the heat. This of course gave me a headache last night which the heater always does. Haven’t heard much about Bob lately, hope no news is good news. My Mom had something cut out of her calf the other day that was causing an infection but seems to be doing well. She’s getting her second cataract surgery done this coming Tuesday and them she’ll be good for another 1,000,000 miles.

Today I think we’ll just rest. I have a little work to do to get caught up. We did hire a new girl in Texas and guy in Miami at the end of last week. Hope they turn out to be great, I’m sure they will.

Guess I’ll run so I can get to the gym. Hope all’s well, take care and God Bless.


I just added photos in the from walking in to the food table:-) Just click on them to enlarge.IMG_0897 IMG_0899 IMG_0900 IMG_0901 IMG_0906 IMG_0908 IMG_0912

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