That’s what I managed to get cleaned from top to bottom yesterday afternoon. The kitchen and the dining area down below are now spotless. First up I removed all the remaining wine and then the dog bed and crate and there it was, all the hair. You could have knitted a sweater with all the hair under Mojo’s bed and on the rug. So after that was all up I then whipped up a mixture of vinegar and water (I like non toxic natural cleaners) and proceeded to mop up the floor and wash the walls. Of course first was cleaning all the junk off counters and tables and doing all the dishes and then vacuuming everywhere. In the end I had two rooms spotless. I also rearranged the remaining few cases (maybe a dozen) of wine in the front room and put all the furniture back but it was the kitchen and lower dining room that were really clean.
Next up I threw in a chicken and some local cauliflower for dinner and then sat down to finish up some emails. Earlier in the day I picked up Ty at 11am and we went to lunch and then the grocery store. Jag was done at 3 and we all headed home after a trip to the bank.
Today I think Jag and I are going shooting as Ty wants to play with Ben. Lori meanwhile is going to attack vigorously one room of her choice. Then from 5 to 7 she has an event at a hair salon with Dr R. in Cherry Creek. I guess the boys and I will watch the Bronco game.
Now to the important stuff. Don’t worry it’s not politics but we’re in a mess and you’d better get your ducks in a row. First up, even though you might not have heard much lately, the ebola virus is still spreading. This is a big time world wide issue and it hasn’t slowed down at all. The WHO (World Health Organization) is sounding the alarm but in good old American fashion, if we don’t have a doctor or person here to make the news, that’s infected, we pretty much ignore it. Well it’s not going away and sooner or later, when it gets here, then you’ll hear about it again.
Next up is the weak response by us to the growing terrorist threat taking over Iraq and Syria. You may not know or believe it, but these people are among us as I write. In fact Homeland Security warned overnight that these guys are planning to retaliate against us and to be prepared. You see, all across the country, there are sleeper cells or groups of these people that are already here laying in wait. These guys are so bad that other terrorists are afraid of them. They have their sights set on, in their words, “a major American city”. What makes these guys so dangerous is they are very well funded. They have over 2 billion dollars in cash and are raking in 3 million a day from the oil fields they have taken control of. They also have hundreds, if not thousands of converts from the U.K. and America that can easily infiltrate their countries without much suspicion. CNN ran a few pictures yesterday showing some of them holding up notes in front of a building in Chicago and another in front of the White House (on June 20th) saying how they’re here and how they’re going to make us pay. Do not underestimate these guys, they are ruthless and want to bring their war to us. I mean they just did behead a guy on video with a hunting knife! Live your life but be aware as we live in a different world these days. If something is out of the ordinary or you have a bad feeling in your gut, trust it. You may not know this but peoples “gut feelings” are right about 70% of the time. Sorry to bring this up but I rather you read this than become a victim.
So, not trying to scare anyone but the World as we know it has changed and you need to adjust as well. Hope you all are well. I guess Bob’s experimental injections to fuse his bones didn’t work all that well. Hope he gets some relief soon. Have a great weekend and God Bless.