First Friday of school

Jagger is working hard every day as is Ty , however Ty’s school, on instructions from the Fed govt, has testing for the next 2 days. They break the students up into 4 groups and due to the spelling of Ty’s last name, he’s on from 8 to 11am today. Then he’s off until Tuesday. Now the funny thing is that schools that test the best, get the most funding while those that test poorly get the least. In one way, this makes sense as it would seem the students that are doing a good job should get more money to continue to do so but the students who are doing bad, receive no funding which in theory will further sink them. This is why the whole program is out of whack. You shouldn’t measure the students, you need to get rid of tenure and fire bad teachers. If students are doing bad, the buck needs to stop with the teachers, right? Who knows, maybe Grandma Dixie can chime in.

Lori had fun last night, I think, as she made it home around 9pm from the magazine launch downtown. I really haven’t talked to her yet but am sure she and the girls had fun.

I have lots to do at work today as I was in Vail until I picked the kids up yesterday. It rained hard early this morning, must have been around 4am as it woke us up. I think I’ll run to the gym quickly before everyone gets up. We need to call and see how Bob is doing today as he was groggy when Lori last checked yesterday. Hope he’s doing well, God Bless.

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