Today it’s more of the same, a few accounts to see, a little driving and some school shopping for the boys. Lori will be back at it and then tonight we have the Bronco’s Seahawks pre season game! Hope the weather is ok.
Yesterday Jag had his follow up appointment with the orthopedic doctor who gave him a clean bill of health on his wrist. He is supposed to wear the brace on and off and he’ll be sore for the next 3 or 4 weeks but looks great. After that we went to Manning for registration for Jag and then off to Ty’s school to get him all signed up as well. Both boys are excited. We’re really excited for Jag though as it’s a whole new school. They had 8th graders there to help answer any questions. They were mostly girls all decked out in Manning t-shirts and you could see them checking Jag out and giggling. So, here we go, looks like girls will be one of his subjects this year! Don’t anyone say anything to him! It’s not good to tease him at this age and besides that’s one of the pleasures of being a parent!
After that Ty and I dropped Jag at his math study. Turns out he breezed through the homework which was about 6 weeks into his new school year. The only problems he missed were ones where he didn’t read the instructions carefully. Sometimes he just goes too fast.
I managed to get the laundry, dishes and cleaning done on top of my work. You just do what you have to do, right? We even took my Mom a chocolate shake as it was so hot and I took the boys for ice cream after math.
The rest of the afternoon was spent changing passwords on a bunch of my accounts due to the breach of 1.2 billion passwords by some Russian gang. I would suggest you do the same if you bank on line or even use Amazon or any other web site that has access to your credit card numbers or social security numbers. This is one area where my Mom is totally safe as I don’t think she does anything on the net except read the blog and an occasional email. Sometimes it’s good to be old school!
Time to run, it’s trash day and I have to gather up some more wine samples to drop off in Boulder, Lakewood and Longmont today. Hope all is well, take care and God Bless.