What day is it?

I think it’s Wednesday, yea, that’ right. We have so much going on it’s hard to remember. Today Jag has his follow up appointment on his arm, and his math class. Ty has a lot of work in his room and both boys need tennis shoes and some clothes and ah yes, the bed, the damn bed. It still needs to go.

Yesterday Jag and I made it back from Vail around 11:30am. We then decided to get haircuts as Jeannie (who cuts our hair) could get us in right away. After that we picked up Ty (and Ben) from Ben’s dad’s new house. (parents are getting divorced) I keep forgetting to tell you all that when Mojo came home from the groomer he had some hair missing from his back. Within a day he itched or somehow scratched it down to raw skin. There goes a few more hundred bucks plus he needs his shots anyhow.

Meanwhile things are not good around the Country. Lots of people are showing signs of the disease from Africa and no one believes the govt is telling us the whole truth. A Russian gang just stole 1.2 Billion internet passwords, British Air has suspended flights to a few countries and some people in the U.K. are quarantined, Oblama’s approval hits a new low, (I spelled it that way on purpose) , we as a country are paying $7 Billion, that’s right, $7 with a B, Billion dollars in interest on our debt every week, and most goes to China, the Netherlands and other countries that hold our debt, a 2 Star General was killed in Afghanistan yesterday, a Principal was fired for telling students to speak English and on it goes. I could keep citing headlines but I think you get the picture. There’s much worse going on out there but most people don’t want to face the facts.

This is all our own fault to as we’ve become a country full of people that are more interested in the pursuit of self satisfying pleasures (new tv’s, big houses, fancy cars, and other materialistic items) than having a healthy functioning society. This goes right up the ladder to numerous CEO’s and companies that will do anything, even produce harmful goods whether it be food, cars, toys, whatever, for a profit. Now I’m the furthest thing from a socialist but people need to take responsibility. Everyone needs to ask themselves what can I do to make the World a better place, today. This can mean what can I do to make my household, neighborhood or community a better place, I’m not asking you to come up with something that’ll change the World, but individuals do do it everyday. So, let’s turn this mess around one small task at a time. You may think something as small as you buying American or picking up some trash you walk by on the street, or helping a neighbor, doesn’t mean anything but imagine of everyone did one small thing! Ok ok, I’ll stop now. Today I have lots to do to make our household better (and safer) as I’m determined to stock up on some additional supplies that the family (mine and extended) should have, just in case. For all of you living in California, you’re going to have to get here to Colorado for me to help you! I should be able to take care of those living here already. Make plans now just in case you have to leave for some reason, at least keep you gas tanks full at all time, just to appease me, ok?

Take care and God Bless.

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