Friday, where does the time go

What a week, it flew by. That’s what happens when you’re moving 90 miles an hour. As promised yesterday, I was on the phone for a good 6 hours, Mom worked hard and the boys, well, were boys.

Tonight we have baseball and we need to be at the field by 5:30 and should be home by 9. This weekend we are taking the word “purge” to a new level. If it’s not nailed down or something we use, it’s going away. We’ll start upstairs in ours and the boys rooms. First up will be closets and dressers as we must have 500 pounds of clothes that need to go. Then it’ll be toys and useless junk. I already did the mud room and tossed old coats and shoes. Well I actually gave them to Eliva who cleans the house once a month or so. She’ll use a bunch and find people that’ll use the rest. Stay tuned for our progress as we’re committed.

This morning I need to run to the distributor at 7am and get back by 8 to take the boys to school. They’re out of school at 11am, not sure why but they are. Jennifer’s Grandma will drop them off at home as I have another call starting at 10. I think she’s taking them for a treat like ice cream or something, before she brings them home.

Lori’s working hard as usual. She amazes me at the skills she’s picking up on her own. She’s doing a great job.

Coffee is done, weather is changing (snow Monday???) and time to go, God Bless.

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