Snow and football

The snow is back and so is football. The Broncos of course have a bye and don’t play until next week but there’s four good games on this weekend. We want to take the boys snowboarding tomorrow morning but I don’t know as the roads are really bad in the mountains.

We did manage to throw out 5 large trash bags of stuff that needed to go yesterday but I’ll bet we have 25 or more to go. Lori had to go to the office yesterday so I took the boys grocery shopping and to the bank and lunch before coming home and cleaning the kitchen and living room. First you need to pick everything up, then vacuum and then mop before putting everything back in place. It’s not a small chore!

Lori made tortilla soup and will make some more enchilada’s today for the weekend. Ty left at 6pm to go to his friend Scott’s house for a sleep over so it was Lori, Jag and I hanging out for the night. I think we all went to bed at 10.

I was going to go downtown last night to see my buddy Matt before he heads back to Georgia for his last two weeks of Homeland Security training and then he’ll graduate and be based in Denver. You might remember Matt as he’s my hunting buddy. I might try to run up to his house to see him today as I just wasn’t up for going downtown last night, I must be getting old, ha ha.

It looks nice and peaceful outside with the fresh blanket of snow lying undisturbed. I just shoveled the walk in my flip flops so i could get to the morning paper, you don’t see too many old people doing that!

We’re hoping Lori doesn’t have a headache today as she’s had one on and off since hitting her head on New Years eve when the chair she was sitting in collapsed. Hopefully this will pass soon and she didn’t aggravate her fusion or other discs. We have an appointment next week where they’ll take x-rays so we’ll know more then. Wait, she just woke up and is 99% headache free so that’s good news as the other headache doesn’t go away, even for a moment! Thank God.

Have a great weekend and God Bless.

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