Big changes

In our never ending quest to simplify our life, we are continuing to downsize. If we haven’t used it, worn it, or played with it, in a year, it’s gone! We can throw out half the stuff in our house and still have too much.

We actually lowered our car payment and upgraded our car yesterday due to all the year end sales going on. Of course it took me 6 hours of haggling but it was worth it as our old car was falling apart. I’ll start cleaning the basement today and Lori will start upstairs.

The boys are going to have to get started on their rooms all alone. They’ve been playing non stop and now we need them to contribute a little bit to cleaning up around here.

So, doesn’t sound like you’d like to be around here today does it. On top of all this, Lori has to go to the office today to continue to work with the new Office Manager who asked for her title to be “Office Administer”. When Lori questioned her saying don’t you mean Office Administrator, she said, “yes, Office Administer” and then finally corrected herself after more prodding by the misses. Thankfully we’re a “fire at will” state. Oh boy, doesn’t sound like this ones going to make it!

The cold is coming in tomorrow, 6 to 10 inches of snow along with temps around zero. The upper mid west and north east are getting wind chills in double digits below zero.

So, it’ll be a good time to continue cleaning up around here.

Hope everyone is well, take care and God Bless.

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