Where did summer go? When it hits August around here, we’re getting ready for Fall. School starts in 19 days, pheasant hunting starts next month, football starts this weekend and on and on. Before you know it it’ll be elk season, Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Hold on tight as it’ll come and go fast.
Yesterday we finally made it up to my Mom’s to check out her new piano. It sure looks good in her house. I thought it’d be much smaller as it sure fills up the room. This morning I have PT (physical therapy) but first need to pick up some wine and get a haircut. Then I’ll meet the misses at the chevrolet dealer to drop off the suburban for an oil change and drop the misses at pilates. By then it’ll be noon and the boys will be home at 3. Throw in a trip to Fed Ex and some phone calls and the day will zoom by.
Time to run as I need to leave in less than an hour, have a great day and God Bless.