Early doctor appointment

L1030891I’m off in an hour at 7am to Vail to my knee doc, hope L1030892it’s ok. Here’s a comment from Aunt Robi,

Robi says:

The schools are totally run on politics and the parents that donate the most money get whatever they want – just so ya know! I told mom since she gave you and Uncle T pianos I guess someday I will inherit a Baby Grand – lucky me! HEHE

I agree, you should get the new piano, but don’t count your chickens before they hatch as she’ll probably out live all of us…..Just for fun..the boys stuffed the Mr.s clothes full of pillows and stuffed animals.  Then they wrestled around for two days.  We are still cleaning up the mess.

Did you see Anthony Weiner, the disgraced Congressman who had to resign a few years ago because he sent pictures of, well, his weiner, to various women, and he’s married! Well he’s back, apparently he did so again as late as last summer, and the guy is running for Mayor of NYC! Oh yea, his wife was a top aide to Hillary, they were even married at Bill and Hillary’s home. What else, oh, one of Obama’s political appointee’s gave visa’s to Hillary’s brothers company’s Chinese investors when they couldn’t get them using the rules everyone else does. The top appointee at the White House that deals with the I R S met with them for 8 1/2 hours the day before they started targeting his political opponents, and on and on it goes, when will it stop. I’ll tell you when, when we get these losers out of office and not before.

The kids were tired yesterday from the sleepover the night before. Mom slept with Ty and Jag with me last night so hopefully they’ll be better today.

Time to run, interest rates are slowly rising, guess everyone is getting tired of Bernanke’s free money, hope it doesn’t get as bad as everyone says it will. Take care and God Bless.

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