
Now I’m not a big watcher of golf on tv, kind of boring, but I did catch my favorite golfer winning the British Open. First off, anytime an American wins anything “British” it’s a good thing, but to have Phil Mickleson win was great. I don’t know why I like him, he just seems like a good guy with a good family who you want to root for. I guess it was a come from behind victory and one of the best rounds ever played. I should defer to Uncle T as he’s somewhat of an expert on most sports, including golf. Anyhow I just happened to switch the channel to the Open at the right time to see him win. Go America!

Today it’ll be hot, maybe 102 or more! I’ll start my day with a conference call and then be boxing some wine. I really need to take it easy as I screwed me knee up more than usual sometime last week.

I guess Kate Middleton (why doesn’t she take her husbands name?) is in labor. I guess we should be happy happy happy for her but really, it’s all over the news every few minutes with bets being placed all over the World on everything from the sex to the weight, length, time of birth and name, boy are our priorities out of whack!

Gerald, our 82 year old farmer friend, just called as the chickens laid 3 dozen eggs for us. He usually calls around 6:30 as he’s an early riser too. We get 90% of our eggs from him only buying from a store every now and then when those finicky chickens decide not to lay any eggs. Usually when it’s this hot, they don’t lay many eggs. When we move to a new place, we’re getting chickens for sure!

Lots to do, no politics today, I’ll leave that to the race baiters (Sharpton, Jackson, etc.) and the Pres, I’m sure they’ll stir something up! Oh did you hear, the Pres and his family are going to Martha’s Vineyard for vacation while all these people are being furloughed due to the sequester, and this is right after his 100 million dollar African vacation, nice. Whoops, I said no politics, sorry, sometimes I just can’t help myself.

God Bless.

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