Jacked up knee

Well I’ve been doing too much and jacked my knee up a bit so time to take it easy. Mrs. Rossi across the street reminded me that 2 months is nothing in the healing process for knee surgery and I need to rest. I replied life goes on and my mortgage company doesn’t really care if my knee hurts or not. She said he leg hurts and asked how my Mom was and I said she should call her as her leg hurts too!

It’s still hot, mid 90’s today. Yesterday the boys and I went up to Boulder to get our vegetables and some more food while the misses was downtown at work. The rest of the day was spent with some playing and a movie and resting on the couch, at least for me.

The summer is almost gone as every week and weekend from now until September is booked solid. Life sure goes fast, if you don’t believe me, just think back on the last year or two in your life and how fast it went. A shocker for me was that I was talking to someone yesterday and realized that my dad has been gone almost 3 years now! Wow, don’t waste a single day people, you can’t get it back!

We need to try to find something fun to do today for the kiddos. The oldest just came down with a side ache and from sleeping the wrong way. The news shows this morning are talking about the Pres coming on tv yesterday saying he could have been Trevyon, give me a freakin break. Only in the Obummer administration would a Pres come out and undermine a court case suggesting racist bias where a guy was already found not guilty by a jury. Guilty or not, he was tried, found innocent and that should be the end of it. Otherwise what is our justice system? Can we go back and change a verdict anytime some people don’t agree with it? On top of that, this whole thing was singled out and then pushed forward by the administration. Florida originally was not going to prosecute but then the feds stepped in and said yes you are and appointed a special prosecutor. Look if you don’t like a law (like the stand your ground law which didn’t even apply here) you need to elect different representatives and then change the law. Speaking of my dad, who stood for fairness and justice and the rule of law more than anyone you or I have ever known, he would be shaking his head in disbelief at what’s going on these days. Ok, just for fun, let’s try looking at this from a different angle, just for a minute, (that’s what my dad would say) and then see if we feel the same way.

You won’t recognize me. My name was Antonio West. I was the 13-month old child who was shot at point blank range by two teens who were attempting to rob my mother, who was also shot. A Grand Jury of my mommy’s peers from Brunswick GA determined the teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty…too bad I was given a death sentence for being innocent and defenseless.

My family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder was not ruled a Hate Crime. Nor did President Obama take so much as a single moment to acknowledge my murder.

I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation’s history, but the media doesn’t care to cover the story of my tragic demise, President Obama has no children who could possibly look like me - so he doesn’t care and the media doesn’t care because my story is not interesting enough to bring them ratings so they can sell commercial time

There is not a white equivalent of Al Sharpton because if there was he would surely & rightfully be declared a racist hate monger, so there is no one rushing to Brunswick GA to demand justice for me. There is no White Panther party to put a bounty on the lives of those who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller – I no longer have my life.

So while you are seeking justice for Treyvon, please remember to seek justice for me too.
Tell your friends about me, tell your families, get tee shirts with my face on them and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Treyvon. But it won’t happen, primarily due to the socially enforced doctrine of political correctness & Liberal guilt that is imposed by politically correct doctrine.

Now for those of you that are so upset by this verdict, time to take a look at yourself in the mirror and how you’re acting, how’s it feel?

I am not only dead, but will be unknown, obscure & forgotten
for the most part – But not to worry, since I was merely a member of the
oppressive, discriminatory, less than worthy white race… Touche Reverends
Sharpton & Jackson, et al… Thank You for Caring…
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