Hopefully you’re all stunned by yesterdays post on the condition of our country and not just blowing it off as not true. If so, you need to wake the “you know what” up! There’s two choices here, you either don’t believe it or you just don’t care, both are bad and I don’t know which one is worse. Hopefully you do care and are just too frustrated to say anything. Hopefully it’s not too late but if the “non working, give me more free stuff” people prevail in the coming mid terms in 2014, I’m afraid there’s no turning back. Oh well, if I were you I would prepare to take care of myself and my family on my own as we live in and ever changing country.
Yesterday we took the boys to Despicable Me 2 which the boys have wanted to see for a week since it came out. Before that, starting before 7am, I was boxing more wine and was at Fed Ex by 9:30 with a load. Meanwhile the misses was cleaning around the house and getting the boys to do their school work. After the movie we made a quick trip to the grocery store and then came home where the boys proceeded to head outside to play while we made dinner.
Today the misses needs to go to the office this morning while I’ll box a little more wine before heading out at noon for a meeting with the distributor at 1:30. We’ll then need to pack today as we’re off at 7am in the morning to the mountains until Monday around noon. More to come on that tomorrow.
Time to run as the misses is waiting for the computer to get to work. Take care and have a great day and God Bless.