4:48am and here we go again

Tonight we have a dinner with a bunch of people from all over the World in Boulder at a pre Aspen Food and Wine party. It’s put on by the writers for Food and Wine Magazine and Travel and Leisure Magazine. We met the fellow from the later at our Bocelli lunch last week and he invited the misses and I so off we will go. These are really important press people so it’s a good thing we show up. There will be 24 people in all and each person has to bring a bottle of wine that is not theirs! Lots of spitting will be going on.

Tomorrow morning Aleks Simcic, our friend and winemaker from Slovenia (we stayed with him a few years ago when we all went to Italy and Slovenia) arrives around 10am. Then we have a lunch with a bunch of buyers and then a sold out dinner at a restaurant downtown. Up the next morning will be the drive to Aspen to the Grand Hyatt where we’ll set up camp until Sunday. It’s an incredible hotel right on the mountain. Everyone raises their prices for the Food and Wine Festival which is the busiest weekend of the year in Aspen and our place is running a little over $1000 a night but we have the Slovenian Government (Department of Tourism) paying for our stay. In fact, they pay for everything, food, gas, lodging, my wine samples, anything associated with Aleks’s trip. This is happening more and more as all the various countries are trying to attract visitors. This is a good thing otherwise we wouldn’t be going as it just costs too much. In fact this is the first year we’ve attended Food and Wine.

Yesterday the misses headed downtown and I took the boys with me on my errands. Before we knew it, 1:30 had rolled around and we headed over to the youngest guys dentist appointment. Turns out his aching tooth had to come out! He also has a couple other small cavities (they think our previous dentist missed them!) but we decided to do that at another time. The dentist, who is really nice, said often kids need to go to a dentist that can put them to sleep, like with drugs, to fix their teeth but I said no way and to go ahead. The youngest agreed with me and said he could handle it. Before you knew it, the dentist had given him a shot to numb him up and minutes later the bad tooth was out! He was so tough and didn’t flinch at all. The roots were so long I told him he could make a necklace out of it. The Tooth Fairy I’m sure will be quite generous to him. The rest of the afternoon he had gauze in his mouth until the bleeding stopped and it clotted up. Of course this didn’t stop him from playing at all.

Meanwhile in the 90 plus degree heat, the oldest headed to baseball practice. I made it back in time to see him snag a bullet out of the air while playing shortstop. This is the position he wants to eventually play and the way he’s playing, it won’t be long.

We all were home by 7:15 and watched some tv until around 9pm. This morning I need to go to the distributor to pick up a pallet of samples at 7 before it gets too hot.

I’m surprised we had no comments yesterday, are you all afraid you’ll be on some list? Here’s a thought for the day,

One reason many people don’t mind communism/socialism is they aren’t working. 58.6% of the working age population works. Of that, close to 22 million work for the govt. The amount of people not working or working for the govt is 4 million more than the people who work for the private sector. Hmmmmm

All right, time to run, hope all’s well, take care and God Bless.



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