Monday Morning

This morning we planned to get up at 6, but I needed 5 more minutes….it turned into 40 and now we really need to get moving. We have an appointment about 50 minutes away and have to make it back in time for me to get to work on time.Dad’s back is a bit better this morning, but I’m afraid the drive may set him back.

Yesterday morning was another gorgeous Colorado morning.  The air was crisp, the birds were chirping and the moon was still vaguely visible.  Did anyone happen to see the “Super Moon” the night before? The moon passes that close to the earth only once every 18 years. Truly awesome to behold.

I went to L.O.L’s and her uninspiring son has returned to his home in the North West. She was so upset by the things he had said to her…”She’s getting old”, “She can’t do the things she used to”, “Why does she bother with that old dog?”He is sooo lucky he never said anything derogatory in my presence…..I think I may have lost my manners at that point.  L.O.L. changed her sheets…on her own…and since the top sheet didn’t match the fitted sheet..S.S.(Silly Son) let her know that he didn’t think that she was thinking clearly.Ugggg!!!! I think L.O.L is doing very well to be able to change her sheets at the young age of 89…soon to be 90 in June. I just reminded her of all the things she does do well…she walks her dog everyday..(Weather permitting)…she makes her meals, does her hair, applies her make-up(Without missing) drives, carries on an enjoyable conversation and remembers many stories of her youth. I hope to remember half the things she does when I’m 89.  I hope to remember half the things my Mom and Mother-in-law do when I am their ages as well.  Anyway, I am obviously annoyed with S.S.(Really I have another name in mind, but I don’t think God would approve)L.O.L. did tell him that it takes her weeks to recover from the negative statements he has to offer..and S.S. did call to apologize to his Mother for upsetting her…hopefully he won’t do it again.

I made it to flag football….what fun to watch. The kids had a blast running and learning plays. They started at 1:30 and finished up at 4:00.  I got there a bit after 2:30, W.Foods asked if I wouldn’t mind going home earlier than scheduled…I of course was thrilled and told them of the upcoming 1st Flag Football day and that I was happy not to miss one of my 9yr old’s firsts.  Yea!!

We had another “Taco night” the boys both ate one taco, a few giant strawberries, milk, and a leftover piece of pizza. Of course they were hungry again in 30 minutes. Poor Dad with his back had to eat almost lying down…sitting is the worst thing for an inflamed back…too much pressure and irritation on the nerves.  Dad is still in a lot of pain and getting up or rolling over is almost unbearable…

Bob…the fish is not looking well..I will do my best to keep him hanging on….clean his bowl add some fish medicine, put him near the heater(he may just be cold)Say afish prayer.

I am still amazed by the resolve and compassion the people of Japan are showing one another. They are an inspiring man whose house was destroyed owns a restaurant in Osaka that wasn’t touched, so he is feeding anyone that is hungry for free until the food runs out. I wonder if we would be that thoughtful?

Littlest monkey just came downstairs and I have to get him fed and jump in the shower…

God Bless,


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