It’s 7am and Mom’s already gone to work. The boys are still sleeping and I’m on the heating pad trying to kick this back thing. Both boys had their first soccer games yesterday. The oldest at 9am and then the younger at noon. They both played great! You can see their natural athletic ability when comparing them to other kids their age. The oldest is really really fast and his coordination is catching up with his height. He played goalie the second half and while the other team scored twice, he stopped about a dozen other shots on goal. The coach and a bunch of other parents came up to him and me after the game praising him for his exemplary play. Now the younger one is still at the age where they just run and kick it as hard as they can which he too did well.
The oldest has flag football this afternoon from 2 till 4pm. I managed to get the house semi clean yesterday (and was yelled at by the misses for doing so with my back) but I just can’t stand it when it’s a mess. The oldest really helped me out with the afternoon cleaning. We should go to church today but no way can I make it. I think my backs set back a bit in the healing department because I had to go to two soccer games yesterday, I really need to rest it this morning before football. If any of you go, say a prayer for us!
We’ve decided to try our hand at making bread from bulk whole wheat as it’ll bring the cost down to under a buck a loaf instead of the $5 a loaf the store charges these days. This involves grinding the whole wheat kernels into flour ourselves. I think I’m opting for a manual grinder as it’ll wear the boys out and teach them they have to work for their food! We’ll keep you posted on this one, it should be an adventure. (wish my grandma was still around as one of my fondest memories as a kid was her baking bread, I can still smell it to this day!)What we really need are some milk cows, I can’t believe we now go through a gallon a day around here, and that’s with the misses and I only using a splash in our morning coffee! If you add it up, that’s about $2000 a year just on milk. Mom brought a pizza home for the boys and made some tostada’s for us for dinner. I think we’ll cook up leftovers for dinner this evening.
The littlest one just came down and politely asked if he could watch a kid show. Funny that they’ve now discovered things like Bugs Bunny and Tweety Bird that we watched as kids and actually prefer those to the newer shows on in the am. Both boys sure are precious little kids in the morning when they’re still half asleep. Don’t get me wrong, they’re always great kids, it’s just in the morning they’re too tired to fight over anything.
I think it’s going to be a nice day and heard it’ll be 75 tomorrow, Spring is fast approaching. Our 10th anniversary is coming up on the 25th. Instead of spending money we don’t have on some kind of gift for each other, I think we’ll just have a nice family dinner. If any of you grandmothers have some family heirloom (this is slang for jewelry) send it to me and I’ll give it to the misses taking full credit myself. (just kidding, I’d somehow mention your name!) I know you’re all hoarding a dozen or more rings than you have fingers! Personally I don’t need anything as I have all I need (my wife and kids) but you women know how you girls like your bling!
Mom woke the L.O.L. down the street at 6:45 to give the dog his morning shot. I guess she (the L.O.L.) was a bit groggy as she forgot to use her oxygen last night. What a good girl my wife is to do this EVERY morning and night. It’s a real commitment on her part.
The oldest is now up and I need to find something for them for breakfast. I’m tempted to take them out to eat so I don’t have to stand in the kitchen (with my back) but don’t really want to spend the cash. Speaking of cash, you all should turn some dollars into physical gold and silver as they’re both going way up and the dollar is going way down. I told my Mom to buy gold less than 3 months ago when it was $1030 an ounce and it’s now about $1420. Silver was $20 and ounce and now is $35, both pretty amazing returns. One word of caution, if you do heed my advice, take physical possession of your gold and silver, do not leave it in the hands of some firm or Company. There are many places where you can go and buy these for a few dollars over spot price (the current market price). If interested, go to to see current quotes. Mark my words, gold will be $2000 an ounce or more by the end of the year and silver well over $50! Some respected analysts have gold going into the thousands and silver to $100 to $150 an ounce. (there’s already physical shortages on silver) Now we don’t have the money to buy this but if we did, that’s what we (and you) should do now! I know, go out and buy us an ounce of gold and for our anniversary, there’s a good idea! Anyhow, ever changing times we live in, be prepared as it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out no one is going to take care of you but you. Not being pessimistic, but just look at Japan, those poor poor people.
Ok, I’ll stop for now as breakfast is needed, have a great day and God Bless,