Take Your Kid To Work Day

Good morning.  The sun is just coming up casting an orange and pink glow across the horizon.  There is not a cloud in the sky and the temperature is already 15 degrees warmer than it was at this time yesterday.

The youngest is doing research on football for a 3rd grade project.  He started telling us about the Roman football games and that the coach of the losing team would be decapitated.  He went on tho say, “That would certainly be unpleasant.”  He says the funniest things.

Here’s some comments from yesterday. I will now be doing the blog for the foreseeable future until I can hopefully talk the mister into doing it again but that might take a while. He’s  just burned out on it a little bit.

  1. Lori says:

    I’ll do the post.

  2. Blondie says:

    Good because I would miss all the main characters: Mister, Misses, The Dogs, the Youngest, Oldest, LOL, Aunt B and Uncle T and more! You must carry on the legacy of these people! It is fun to read also….we only discuss Blog with each other and don’t discuss with others! Hope you continue:)

  3. Annette says:

    Please, please, please don’t stop. This is a way for me to be part of your everyday life. I feel as if I am so much closer to you guys and the kids through the blog. I get to know your side of the family, Doug and your friends and neighbors. I don’t know what happened but please know Jean and I love the blog, politics and all, (besides you know I’m on your side in politics). I brag to all my friends about you all the time. I don’t care who writes the blog, but please don’t stop. Doug put your chin up and know that that a lot of people love you and opinions are like assholes (sorry) and everyone has one. L give him a hug and I don’t care who writes but someone please write.

    • Please don’t stop writing the blog, it’s very important for both of us, especially grandpa bob! We have enjoyed it everyday, you have been informative. It’s fun to hear about the kids, and you and Lori’s adventures. We love you!!

      Thank you for all the support.  I know(we know) that it keeps all of you that don’t live in the area in the loop of our “growing and changing” lives.

      The kids want to stay home today because it is National “Take Your Kid To Work Day.”  The oldest said he could hang out in the basement with his dad and take notes.  The youngest wants to go with me to Dr. Rodgers office and see what goes on behind the scenes for a surgeon.

      I got the guest room cleaned out yesterday,if you all remember the boys turned it into a fort by taking a twin mattress and laying it across the two twin beds.  They also had the floor covered with giant pillows, sleeping bags and blankets.  The fort was complete with a T.V. dvd player and a cozy chair.  Needless to say…it took a bit of time to tare down.

      I donated the extra twin mattress and box spring to a church that is taking care of a little old lady with the beginning signs of dementia.  She has no family and her friends are members of her church.  The woman that picked up the mattress was so very thankful, full of light and good energy. She also had an Australian accent that made it that much more fun to chat with her.

      I’m off to make breakfast..the oldest has a band performance, May 9th, the Talent Show, May 10th, and a School performance, May 17th.  Busy month…mark your calendars.

      God Bless.

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