The Weekend is Back

Another weekend is here. Mom’s working both days, again, agggh. Wish we could get one weekend where we’re all off so we could do something as a family but tough times call for sacrifices. Our oldest said that it used to be fun when we had “boys weekend” (a weekend with just the 3 boys), but now all we do is work around the house. I told him that this is because EVERY weekend is now boys weekend and we can’t just play all day every weekend. I am going to try to do something fun for them today as he’s probably right. When I think about it, we have gravitated away from fun activities to just working around the house.

Mom had Bunko last night and we were all asleep when she made it home. She’s still sleeping so no word on how her evening was. The theme was painting and all the girls were painting some sort of something something on canvas. I looked around the house but can’t find it, maybe it’s a nude self portrait! Thanks to my Mom for getting the misses a key to her house yesterday so we can use her dryer for the next week or so. This is a huge help. Funny how our life is turned upside down by a little thing like a broken dryer, imagine if you lived in Japan! We feel so sorry for those poor people over there. My brother in laws wife (I guess that makes her my sister in law) is from Japan. Her parents are alright but they have many friends they can’t get in touch with. We’re praying for theirs (and everyone else’s) safety. The damage is so immense, no one knows the entire scope of it yet. Now it looks like one or more of the nuclear reactors is melting down as the government is handing out iodine (which blocks radiation absorption by the thyroid) to the people. This is potentially catastrophic for the world as the jet stream can carry the radiation directly to the U.S. not to mention that the area will be uninhabitable for century’s. Hope this isn’t the case. I need to pause here and take a little break for an hour (exercise) and will return shortly, talk amongst yourselves…..

I’m back, wow that P90X exercise program is a killer. It’s only been 3 days and the wife and I can’t stand, sit, walk, talk or do anything without feeling sore in our muscles. Now we pride ourselves in staying in pretty good shape. I know we’re not as good looking as we think we are (maybe my wife is) but self confidence is a good thing. We go to the gym and lift weights at least 4 times a week but this workout is kicking our butts. So 3 days out of 90 down, I like to call it P87X today. Lookout here we come.

It’s now 8am and our hour workout is done and Mom is down the street to give Junkie, err I mean Bunkie, his shot. The boys are slamming down Poptarts (the organic ones in case you’re wondering) and watching some TV. Today we’ll clean up the backyard and mud room and then try to find something fun to do. Chicken for dinner tonight as we pulled one from the freezer 2 days ago and it should be good to go tonight. I never thought it would be a special day to have chicken for dinner but now that we’re watching our pennies, we eat a lot of pasta.

Looks like a nice sunny day although it’s supposed to be cooler, right around 55. Mom’s back and making us protein shakes for breakfast, even our jar of protein powder has jumped from $26 to $43 in the past 6 months! Thankfully it was on sale for $36 which makes it around $28 with our discount, I should have bought a bunch of them!

The kids stayed at school and played for a bit with their friends yesterday afternoon and then Mom brought 2 extra ones (kids) home with her and they all played outside for a while. Our friends called to see if we wanted to go to Laser Tag with them (as both Mom’s were at Bunko) but I passed as it would have been about $50! We’ll find something to do outside today that’ll be as much fun and cost a whole lot less. Our joke around here is that if we have any extra money, we spend it on “beans and bullets”, you can’t go wrong there. Anyhow time to go, have a good day and pray for Japan and buy a few extra cans of food, don’t think it can’t happen to you!

God Bless,

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