Well soccer officially started last night with both boys having practice at the same time. Mom dropped the oldest at his and took the younger to his practice and I headed over to the eldest ones practice about half way through to watch him in action and bring him home. We were informed by his coach that this year we’re in a new league which will require travel to places like Longmont, Boulder and Broomfield for games. For those of you not local, this means games up to an hour away from home, wish they would have told us this BEFORE we signed up! Not sure what to do when Mom’s working and both boys have games at the same time, hmmm. All four of us arrived home about the same time and began scouring the cupboards for something to eat. Mom did so much cleaning yesterday she forgot to take something out of the freezer for dinner. Oh well, we always have our old standby to fall back on, pasta!
After dinner and a bit of family TV, we began the power struggle trying to get the boys into bed. After fierce negotiations similar to those going on in the middle east, we finally got them both to sleep by about 8pm. Right before then we heard a loud noise downstairs that sounded like an earthquake in the backyard. Turns out, our clothes dryer is now also busted! Now we can live with a broken microwave and holes in the walls and ceiling and exposed pipes but I don’t think we can do without our dryer. Looks like we’ll need to call the repairman first thing this morning and push back some other bill in order to get this fixed, it just never seems to stop.
Now to put it all in perspective, overnight Japan had a huge earthquake and a tsunami that has killed scores and done massive damage. Hawaii is supposed to get hit right about now and the west coast of the U.S. is all on edge. You don’t want to mess with huge waves of water as their power in unbelievable. We get knocked over by 3 foot waves when in Hawaii on vacation and these are supposed to be as high as 30 feet! Guess the broken dryer and pasta (again) is not so bad after all. I have another 300 lbs of wine arriving on a 10am flight from Germany this morning and will need to head out to the airport to pick this up around noon. Mom has Bunko (her girls night out/drinking game party) tonight. I think the theme is something to do with art as they all are going to be painting. The boys and I will have to find something to do tonight and the next 2 days as once again she’s working for the weekend. (I think there was some song called “Working for the Weekend” by a band called Loverboy if I remember right)
Time to get downstairs and on the phone as it’s already about 9am on the east coast and 3pm in Italy, in other words, I’m late for work even though it’s a bit before 7 here. The youngest is up and has changed the news to Spongebob Square Pants, his favorite morning show, and is munching down a bowl of cereal to start his day. The oldest seems to have hit the point in life where he likes to sleep in, and so life goes on.
Have a good day and get ready for the weekend, we hope everyone is happy and well.
Hold on, the wife is on the phone with Sears and it turns out she bucked up for the extended warranty when the repair people were out here last for the washer, hallelujah! I never sign up for those, thankfully she was the one here when they asked her to buy it. (hope I didn’t get mad at her!) Looks like we might be having hamburger for dinner tonight after all ! Oh oh wait, she just found out it’ll be 8 to 10 days before a repairman can get here. I knew there was a catch! We’ll have to ask my Mom if we can use hers as she’s in AZ. The other alternative is to put up a close line which I’m ok with but it’d have to be in the front yard as our big dog (who lives in the backyard) would have a field day pulling all the clothes down and chewing them up. I don’t know how the neighbors would feel about clothes hanging in our front yard. Anyhow, around here we do laundry at least once a day (usually more) and will need to find some solution, we’ll keep you posted.
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