It’s late on the night of the 27th and the Oscars are winding down, we sure want to see True Grit. I’m headed to D.C. in the morning and the wife/mom will have her hands full. See she needs to give Bunkie his shot at 7:30, get the boys ready and to school by 8 (10 minutes early) so she can get to work at 8:15.
She made a fantastic dinner of shrimp and grits. Sounds plain but she made a spicy sweet green chile sauce for the grits and broiled the shrimp in lemon, garlic and oil, the boys even ate everything, with a little prodding on the grits. We played some basketball today (all 4 of us), and did some grocery shopping. Laundry of course is a daily chore so no need to really mention it. The boys obviously have much better days when they get exercise outside, thankfully it was a pretty nice day, a bit cold in the morning but then warmed up. My wife is tired, she’s been working really really hard. She works for the next 3 days and then gets 3 off but I’ll be in AZ for 2 of them so not so much of a break. She’s getting back into running which makes her feel much better. We both thought of having a drink tonight but passed realizing we feel so much better without alcohol. Funny as we have over 2000 bottles of wine sitting in our kitchen and don’t want any. We were even going to have some friends over last night but knew we’d end up drinking because that’s what you do when you get together. Well we’re breaking the chain, swim suit season is coming fast. (just kidding) You see all we really care about is the calories, not that we’re that vain, we just feel better in general when we’re in shape. Ever notice how it’s so much harder to stay in shape the older you get?
The misses/wife/mom will be writing on March 1st. I just wanted to help her out a bit tonight as she’ll be very busy in the am. Hope everyone is doing well, keep your gas tanks at least half full at all times (don’t ask why, just do it), and have a good week.