Today is Ameritown at school. The entire 5th grade participates and every student has a job. The oldest is, I believe, the head accountant for the town. He wanted to be the banker but his talent for math and numbers landed him the accountant job instead. Looks like they put the kids with the best math skills in that position rather than the banker position. The misses is one of 14 parent volunteers for the entire day. Then right after school she heads to one of the youngest kids houses to help with D.I. (Destination Imagination) until sometime after 4pm.
Meanwhile I’ll be working as it’s getting down to crunch time for me to get about 1 million dollars worth of orders before the end of the year.
The house looks great, especially the trimmings around the doors. My favorite is the multi colored lights in the big tree that are just kind of thrown all over the place.
The oldest went to Jen’s party yesterday afternoon and they brought him home around 5pm. They had a blast as Jen received an Ipad for her birthday that they played with a bunch. Some World, 10 year olds getting $500 Ipads.
Ok now that you’ve had a break, here’s an article for thought, it’s pretty interesting if you think about it.
People Controlled By A System Which Eliminates Thinking
November 25, 2012
While unknowingly controlled by the system, these people don’t even know what they don’t know. It is unfortunate, sad, and frightening, in that our future as a species is changing as a result of a system which is eliminating the need for sensible ‘thinking’, or to even ‘think’ at all.
Jeff Rense recently summed it up nicely when he said, These people are so manipulated and so controlled now, that they are no longer individual people. They are a mass. They are a hive. They are a flock. They are a group. They are controlled. They are homogenized.
They are so homogenized, they look alike, they talk alike, they act alike, they watch the same things, they eat the same junk food, they die the same deaths, they suffer the same toxicity… physically, mentally, emotionally.
They have the same emptiness inside. Look in their eyes…
A failed species. They’ve quit, these people. The whole entitlement culture is a virus which has taken charge of the majority. They want. They no longer want to work. They are given, and then almost immediately become addicted to receiving. They love it.
Have they failed? Or have they been captured, put in mental and spiritual internment camps… Even though they are still allegedly free, they are captives of the system, a media dominated system, an education dominated system (if you can call it that any more) that is so insidious, so clever, so thorough, that they are no longer people. They have been re-configured. We are being mutated as a species on the earth.
At one time, people had their own opinions, they had views on things, they were open to discuss with other people… Today you can’t do that. Today no one’s interested in talking about anything of any importance… because it has nothing to do with what is important in life today like basketball, football, and sports… so they look at you like you’ve got three heads when you start talking to them about anything that requires thinking.
It’s rather frightening. We know where it’s going… remember the film, “Time Machine�
The world was filled with people who all looked alike, no one knew anything about anything, …the Time Traveller tests his device with a journey that takes him to the future, where he meets the Eloi, a society of small, elegant, childlike adults. They live in small communities within large and futuristic yet slowly deteriorating buildings, doing no work and having a frugivorous diet. His efforts to communicate with them are hampered by their lack of curiosity or discipline, and he speculates that they are a peaceful communist society, the result of humanity conquering nature with technology, and subsequently evolving to adapt to an environment in which strength and intellect are no longer advantageous to survival.
Is this the place of the future?
If you think about this, it’s pretty much spot on. We all are conditioned to think Cadillac’s, clothes from Polo and Rolex’s are signs of wealth that we should all want while Hyundai’s and clothes from Kmart are signs of not being very successful. We’ve been conditioned to think that owning things are what is most important in life. Like it or not, we are a very materialistic society. What’s more scary is how we have all been brainwashed by media in general. I often think back to when I was a kid and visiting my grandparents. It seems they had a different more active, and yes harder, but more rewarding life. Do you remember probably when you were younger, finishing a big job or task and how good you felt? When was the last time you felt that way? When did you really feel satisfied  like you completed a hard days work that made a difference to you and others? Now we just all get on the computer or phone, with little face to face contact, and do some job where we can’t see any real results. Everything these days is just an excel file or a number. I remember when my dad as a banker, made decisions on who to loan money to based on his relationship with that person. He took the time to know the person personally and made his decision based his knowledge and feelings on whether or not the customer was a good risk. Now all banking has been reduced to formulas. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you don’t fit into a certain criteria, forget about getting a loan. Just try to get a home or business loan today if you don’t have a specific credit score. It’s all out of whack, I wonder how my dad would do business today, I’ll bet he would still look at the individual rather than some set of numbers.
So today, go out and be an individual, do what you want to do, not what society or the media tells you you should do. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, just start thinking out of the box. You and the World will be better off for it, trust me.
God Bless and Go Bronco’s!