And it’s not even done! That’s right, our house is already attracting lookie loo’s that drive by, stop and/or back up, then look for a few minutes and drive on. The misses now has red bows that are lit up hanging from each of the 3 upstairs windows along with little red trees around the house and of course as I said the other day, white led trimmed lights from the roof. We also have colored lights wrapping the big tree and icicle lights hanging from the branches but wait, she’s not done yet! More to come, not a lot, but more. Oh yea, you should see the garland around the doors, also wrapped in lights and then adorned with red tree branches we cut from the side of the road on the way home from Aspen with pinecones weaved in.
Now to the day, here’s a comment from Grandma Annette, thanks for participating.
Sorry for not commenting. I’m mostly thankful for the same things you were, friends, family, a roof over our heads and enough food to eat. Jean and I are going to Chico today and will be supporting small business. Chico has lots of cute little stores downtown and of course the best cupcakes around. Love you guys!
The youngest went to his friends sleepover birthday party and the oldest, Mom and I watched a movie. He then woke up around 2am with his sore throat and stuffy nose. We (or should I say Mom) put a humidifier in his room and he took a quick shower to get the kitty germs off him from the neighbors as he’s allergic and that didn’t help. Then Mom slept the rest of the night with him and they’re both still in bed. It’s about 7:30 now and hopefully they’ll sleep for another hour or so.
So today we’ll be working outside again and then watching the Bronco’s at 11am. The oldest, if he’s up to it, has Jen’s birthday party at 2:30. I don’t see anyway that he’ll miss it unless he just can’t get out of bed.
Not much else to say, aren’t we all glad the election is over, I sure am. So take care and have a great day and God Bless.
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