The east coast is supposed to get hammered by a combination of storms they say are historic. They said this last year and it didn’t happen so a lot of people probably won’t take it serious this time. Hopefully it’ll miss land again. Next weekend it says it’s supposed to snow in the mountains where we’ll be hunting which is great news. I could use a new coat but will have to layer up with the stuff I have. Christmas should come before hunting season each year, that would be much more useful.
It’s Friday and the boys are excited for the weekend. We did get a bit more snow last night but not too much. The misses finished cleaning out the spare room and fixed the downstairs bathroom door with some WD-40. She’s pretty handy from time to time.
It seems time is just whizzing by these days. Hard to believe it’s almost November. I’ll be so glad when the election is over so we can all get back to normal. Hopefully we can all get along and heal no matter who wins.
The youngest learned how to tie his own shoes last night. We’re all very proud of him and he’s thrilled too! He just pointed out I have 769 new emails on the I pad, how can one guy get that many? Well it is a few days worth but still a lot. The kids are trying to figure out how to un-freeze the I pad and delete all the messages without having to select each one, so far, no luck but there has to be a way.
I’m excited to go pheasant hunting tomorrow and then we have the big Bronco game Sunday night. My good buddy Luke is going hunting with us and he just got back from British Columbia where he went goat hunting. Looks like I’m going with some guys to the game as it’s too late (and chilly) Â for the misses and the kiddos. Hopefully we’ll win, we just have to!
My mom’s too funny. I haven’t seen her in a while but we did talk on the phone yesterday. It’s good to catch up with her, she and I (whether or not she admits it) are a lot alike! This is more and more true the older I get. I won’t go into details but we think very much the same.
The boys are eating breakfast and messing with some game on the I pad. They love that damn thing. Today there’s a new one coming out and millions of people with no money will somehow come up with the cash to buy one. Windows 8 also comes out from Microsoft and looks pretty cool. It’s touch screen technology where you can do things with the swipe of your finger. There’s always something new isn’t there.
Time to run, hope everyone is well, have a great weekend and root for the Broncos!