15 Pheasants, 1 Chukar and 1 Cooked goose

Yesterday morning we hit the fields around 8 am with a female lab named Mary and a German Shorthair pup named TK. It wasn’t long before pheasants were flying and the shotguns were blasting. In the end we brought home 15 pheasants and 1 chukar. We finished up around 11am and I was home a bit after noon.

It was also walk to school day so the misses, trooper that she is, walked the boys along with Lacey and Mojo. About a block before school Lacey’s right back leg went out so the misses had to send the boys on the rest of the way on their own and massage Lacey’s leg before turning around and heading for home. I picked both boys up and the youngest won an award for being a “Positive Prospector” at school. Our school is Prospect Valley and the Positive Prospector is an award they give to students for excellent attitudes and being a helpful student. We’re very proud of him.

It’s cold outside this morning which is great and is supposed to get even colder in the next few days. Monday morning we’re back in Vail for another doctor appointment for you know who.

Meanwhile, last night, here in Denver, the goose was cooked! Mitt Romney, who most Americans don’t know except for what they hear in negative democratic ads, clearly won the debate. The Prez appeared snarky most of the night, he didn’t look at Romney but rather looked down most of the night with a smirky smile on his face whenever Mitt said something he didn’t like. I think he thinks that if he keeps saying something, people will eventually believe it. Romeny had a good line saying he has 5 boys and they too sometimes think if they keep saying something, even if it’s not true, sooner or later Dad will believe it. Let’s be clear, Mitt Romney will not raise taxes on the middle class and will not give any tax breaks to millionaires, which is the Presidents favorite line. Great job to Romney for not letting him off the hook and coming back every time the President kept up with this lie. Even the left leaning networks like MSNBC, CNN and ABC said Romney clearly won the debate, in fact they say he crushed the O. This is the first time in a long time the President was out there in a non scripted format without a teleprompter. Face it, he hasn’t done any press conferences all year (where he has to answer real questions) but instead has gone on the great political news shows like View with Whoopi and Barbara Wa Wa and give magazines like People Magazine interviews. Here he didn’t have any spin doctors to protect him and twist the facts and frankly, he didn’t know how the handle the truth which is what Romney hit him with time after time. Now I’m sure if you are an O fan, you can’t bring yourself to face the fact that maybe, just maybe, Romney will be better for the country. But if you are an undecided independent, last night you did see who will be better for all of us and the country. And after all, it’s the independents who will decide the election, so there you have it.

Next up is the VP debate. I can hardly wait for Ryan and Biden to take the stage. I mean come on, no matter what side you’re on, you have to admit, Joe Biden is an idiot. Then the foreign policy debate, that should be interesting with the administrations recent failures in Libya and all of the Middle East. Maybe Romney does have a chance after all, despite the mainstream medias love affair with the cooked goose.

Oh well, another day, here we go, take care and God Bless.

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