Everybody won!

First the 49’rs crushed the Jets (who I hate) and then at the same time, the Green Bay Packers held on to beat the Saints by 1 point and the Bronco’s thoroughly dismantled the Raiders. The Broncos were so good, we didn’t have to punt once all day. I left a little early in the 3rd quarter as we had the game in hand and my foot was killing me. On top of that, the misses was cleaning up the front yard getting it ready for winter and then putting up the Halloween decorations. In any case, everybody won, including my fantasy football team, what a great day. Next up is the hated New England Patriots.

It must have rained a bit last night and we’re supposed to get our first frost mid week. This morning it’s back to work and school and before you know it, will be Christmas. The oldest played with Jen yesterday, some at her house and then she was at ours until around 7pm. Meanwhile the youngest was here and there and everywhere from what I understand.

Uncle T said he commented the other day but I can’t find it anywhere, please post it again. So far so good on the headache front for the misses. Hopefully we’ve licked this once and for all. No more running for her. The boys will be skiing a bunch this year as the oldest gets a free ski pass as all 5th graders do. The misses and I are going to switch to cross country skiing as it’ll be hard for her to ski into a tree doing that, we hope!

Lots going on in the next few months, some travel, pheasant and elk hunting season, Halloween and Thanksgiving and finishing out the year strong at work. Throw in a few birthdays and some snow and it’ll make for a busy 12 weeks before the new year.

Has anyone given any more thought to a big family reunion? It’s never to early to start planning. I’m sure Uncle T has started, or maybe finished, Christmas shopping already. He’s always ahead of the curve.

It’s still pitch black as tar outside (how’s that for descriptive language?), and the sun won’t rise for another 30 minutes or so. The good looking one and the boys are still sleeping. I’d better get going on their breakfast. Lacey the lab all of a sudden has pretty bad arthritis. It’s as if she woke up one morning and had it! I think we need to slow down on throwing the ball for her. She’s such a good dog and likes to sleep a lot more now, like a lot of us. Mojo is just the same and needs more exercise which were now getting him daily. Time to run, take care, have a great week and God Bless.

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