Home safe

I landed at DIA around 11am after a short 2 hour 4 minute flight. I woke up exactly 12 minutes before I had to leave for the airport at 5:18am. My new phones alarm didn’t work or I set it wrong which is probably the case. Anyhow I made it out the door of the rental house in time, showered and with my luggage in tow. It was a good 3 day trip where we had the entire company together, good stuff. I was supposed to go to New York Tuesday but that’s now postponed for a few weeks. (long story)

It was great to get home and see the love of my life. She sure does a great job of writing the blog with all her descriptive words, especially when describing the colors outside. We made a quick stop at the grocery store and then settled in for a restful Saturday afternoon.

Today is the Bronco game and I sure hope we win. It looks like the misses and the boys will stay home as I have a bunch of buddies from work that will be going with me. We have to win this one!

It seems like the boys grew while I was gone! I’m sure they do everyday but it’s hard to notice. Who knew the dogs were overweight? I guess it’s my fault as I feed them every morning.Time to use a different cup. It was nice not to have all the political ads in your face while I was gone, (Washington State is not a swing state so no one is running ads up there),not that I saw all that much tv. The Presidential debate is here Wednesday. I wish it wasn’t as it’ll cause some huge traffic problems and just cost us taxpayers more money we don’t have.

It’s pitch black outside right now. You see I’m always up so early there’s not any color for me to describe. The misses said the colors in the mountains are remarkable. We’re going to try to get up there this week. Hope everyone is doing well, take care, have a good day and cheer for the Broncos, Green Bay Packers and San Francisco 49’rs! That should about cover it!

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