Fun Dinner

Last night the four of us went to sushi. Madi was all dressed up and looked really nice. It was really the first time we spent any length of time with her, and she was an absolute joy. She’s a really sweet, together girl. She just received a promotion to front desk supervisor at the Westin. She told us she really doesn’t know what she’s doing but is learning on the job. I told her, good for you, as lots of people don’t want to work at all these days, and to keep it up. Halfway through dinner, Ty’s stomach became a little upset. We ended up taking some of our food to go.

Today, after my 9am conference call, we’re going to Glenwood to pick up Jagger’s car. It has new brakes, battery, and a few other needed things. He needs to come get it sometime soon as it’s clogging up my driveway. He’s of course, doing well at school.

Lots of criminals being taken off the streets nationwide. Keep it up! The mainstream media is lost. They don’t know what to do with the Country winning. All they can do is call the administration names like racist or nazis. In a briefing yesterday, a reporter asked if all those being arrested are criminals. The correct, quick response was, anyone who illegally entered our Country, broke the law and is there for a criminal, bam! The news is trying to make it out that the govt. is arresting grandma and going to schools and pulling out little kids. Nothing could be further from the truth but that’s all they got. In fact, murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug dealers and gang members are the ones being targeted and deported. All we can say is, it’s about time! Frankly it’s unbelievable that these people were allowed to walk free into our Country in the first place. Thanks Dems. I know of no one who is against criminals like those mentioned, being removed from our streets. To be clear, less than 1% of immigrants actually work in agriculture, so you don’t have to worry about getting your veggies!

Here’s a good one. An elected official in California has introduced papers to have the State succeed from the U.S. Are you kidding me? 2 less Democratic senators, 43 less Democratic house members and one less Democratic Governor? Bring it on!

The best one from yesterday is President Trump suggesting we get rid of federal income tax and let States replace it with a sales tax! Who would vote against that? I can’t wait to see any Democrat vote against getting rid of taxes! If he can get that passed, plus put in term limits and get rid of taxes on social security, that would be huge! To be clear, we didn’t always have a federal income tax, and the Country was the most prosperous when we didn’t. All we have to do is put a small tax, or tariff, on everything that comes into our Country. Put something as small as .5 to let’s say 2% on everything, and you can get rid of income tax. Every other Country does it. When you leave any Country in Europe, they charge you a 20% Vat Tax on things you bought. This is the exact same thing as a tariff! Just another word. Trump’s logic is tax other countries to benefit our citizens rather than taxing us, and then sending money to foreign countries, to benefit their citizens. Makes total sense. This would upset the status quo though, so expect the Dems to say the World will end. Remember, 15 years or so ago, the Dems told us the World would be gone in 12 years due to climate change. That didn’t age well, did it.

Enough for today. Big change was needed and it’s here. This transformation is essential to saving America and everyone should embrace and support it. Don’t fall for the fake stories and crocodile tears from has been actors on social media. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America! Have a great Wednesday.

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