All done

I wrapped up my fast and began refeeding yesterday afternoon. You can’t just eat a burger and fries, or anything you want after not eating for 3 days, or you’ll upset your stomach. You start with electrolytes and then a few hours later some protein. I’ll eat light today too. I had bone broth, then some peanut butter on crackers, and after that, scrambled eggs. Throw in a Gatorade Zero and I was good for the night.

I’m down about 8 pounds but did this more for the internal benefits. Fasting for just 48 hours can clean out your fatty liver, which over 50% of Americans, due to our diet, have. Enough about me, as you probably don’t care anyhow, ha.

Yesterday I went to the gym for some light lifting and a mile on the treadmill and then dropped some cookies and stuff for Dr. B who was in the OR all day. Last night we went down to Nate and Dea’s where Lori and Nate talked for over an hour. Nate wants to move to Idaho and wants us to come and he’ll make Lori his practice manager or director and she would make a lot more money. He went over to the Steadman Clinic from Lori’s place about 18 months ago. Somethings fishy in how they calculate the numbers at Lori’s work and she’s stirring things up. Who knows, she and Dr. B might jump ship. She did go in yesterday and told them, if her bonus, that they magically found after she raised hell, was from a year or two ago, it wasn’t fair for her to have to wait and be paid out over the next few months. So now, after the first payment on her next check, she’ll get the rest at the beginning of the year. That’s better for us as we don’t want to pay taxes on any more money this year anyhow. As I said yesterday, her Company better get it together as if she leaves, it’ll create a domino effect, and I think the whole practice would fold. They’re lucky she doesn’t demand a couple hundred thousand dollar raise. That’s how important she is. We’ll see.

Ty works today. Jag’s been feeling off and we need to get him into the doctor when his finals are over. We think he has an ulcer from stress. We’ll go to the gym today and then stop to see Ty.

It’s the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, what a day in history. That’s it, time to get going. Have a great weekend and God Bless.

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